Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Getting Started...

I love cooking and trying new things. One of my favorite things is scouring websites, cookbooks, and magazines to find different recipes. When I read, then watched, Julie Powell's adventure working through Julia Child's "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" I was fascinated... what a great idea! While I am no writer (excuse any spelling and grammar issues please) I do love to cook. I also got a taste of blogging during a recent Educational Technology class for my masters and I loved it!

So here it is... my own little cooking blog.


  1. Great Job! I too was inspired after the movie Julia Julia. I guess I am too lazy to blog and a lot unfamiliar with it all too.
    Will enjoy reading... Thanks for sharing.

    Aunt Connie

  2. Have fun. I was inspired by the movie also and have been thinking about doing something similar. just haven't gotten to it. i did start a fertility blog the beginning of the year but haven't posted anything since April. Guess i should do an update on that. although seeing your blog is making me think about doing a cooking one with a healthy weight-loss twist. hmmm.. thanks for the inspiration - Melissa
